My name is XXX
Im just 13 years OLD
168cm TALL
48.5kg FAT
I'm taken,he's mine FAE, dont try to steal it ,BITCHES!
Currently study in SMK Convent Klang
I'm Malaysian
But i hope i'm at least Singaporean
I hope i can study in US next time
study hard for my examinations and for a bright future!
Friday, June 5, 2009 Work at home- Individual project (Evaluation)
At home i finished the visual instructions. After this i finished the final touches. The document has now been uploaded to student net. All that i have left to do is the evaluation.
Here is my evaluation. Did the project meet overall goal(s)? The purpose of the creation of the assessment was blog lesson 1-individual project and again repeated in the requirements report. Yes, this project did meet its purpose. The project does show the highest mark, lowest mark the average mark for each assessment. This markbook also shows the grade of the student for that assessment and then the final grade of the student after all assessment marks have been completed. Since formulas have been already added using this markbook should be easier for teachers to use, all one must do is fill in the details of each student and the marks each student gets.
Is there a set of instructions for those who do not understand how to use the program? Yes, there is a set of Instructions for those who will need it. There are written instructions for those who prefer reading and for people who prefer visuals and pictures, there is also a set of visual instructions.
Were there any problems with the creation of the markbook? No, there were no serious problems that needed addressing in the creation of this markbook, the only main issue that occured several times, are the macros. If the macros were not typed in properly or placed in properly than it would not function. This goes the same for the formulas, if there was a typo in the formula it would not work.
Do you like the way your markbook turned out? Did you enjoy creating it? Yes, i enjoyed creating this markbook, because whilst i was making it, i was learning about new features in microsoft excel that i found unique and fascinating. I worked ont his markbooka lot and in the end i like the way the markbook turned out. IT contains a series of colours (mainly blue). My fvourite page is the instructions page because i added a series of colours and to me it seems understandable and presentable. I like the way my markbook turned out as it seems presentable enough and shows all the features that need to be shown.
TALK @ 8:51 AM
Thursday, June 4, 2009 lesson 6 - Individual project
In todays lesson, I added the final grade system to my markbook. This gives the grade of the student overall of all the assessments. These are the final grade marks. It is out of 160.
0-F 30-E 60-D 85-C 100-B 160-A
Today i also finished the instructions tab. This is what the instructions now say:
Welcome to Markbook Marjorie. To create a new class. Simply click the New class button which is placed on the home page and the template page. To view what the template looks like click the template button which is located on the home page. Once created a new class, Replace the student information where they are titled. Then add all the marks. Everything should already be premade. This determines already what the grades are and the total marks are. To change the grading system. At the very right of the markbook, there should be a series of tables which state what mark gives what grade. If u wish to change the grade, simply replace the numbers so that the grades will change. Please ensure that F- is still 0 and A - is the mark that the assessment is out of. To view the class averages for each assessment scroll to the right, this will show the average of each assessment and the highest and the lowest mark for each assessment. The arrows under each title heading allow u to view the highest marks, the lowest marks and specific marks. For the grading system the arrows allow you to view the students that got specific grades.
In todays lesson, i also designed my markbook. to make it look more presentable to users. I added pictures. To make it more appealing.
TALK @ 10:10 AM
Wednesday, June 3, 2009 lesson 5- Individual project... continued
In todays lesson, in addition to the requirements report i complete the grade system.
For assessment'2 1 and 2 they are both out of 30. This therefore is their grade system:
Mark Grade 0-F 5-E 10-D 20-C 25-B 30-A
For assessment's 3 & 4 They are both our of 50. This therefore is there grade system:
In todays lesson we were given more time to complete this individual project. The assessment is no longer due on wed the 3rd of June but now on the weekend 6-7 June. This gives more time to complete the assessment.
In todays lesson i am completing the Requirements report.
3. Produce a requirements report for your project.
This is the definition of a requirements report. It is in the ipt-tools pdf.
A requirements report is a document that is produced in the early stages of a project that seeks to clarify the purpose of the system. This purpose is usually detailed in terms of what the users/participants needs are. The data inputs should be clearly identified. The information processes performed on the data need to be documented. Finally, the information outputs from the systems need to be detailed. The requirements report provides documentary evidence of the scope of the project.
The requirement report. From the Individual Project lesson 1 blog, the purpose of the creation of the markbook is to enable teachers to access students marks. Once accessed the students total marks, maximum and minimum should all be shown. For a class - the highest mark, the lowest mark and the average score in assessment tasks should also be shown. This allows the use of markbook to create a teachres job to become easier. All it requires is simple access to the markbook and everything should be shown. The main purpose is to design a markbook that allows teachers to easily complete what they must when assessment marks are done.
The information processes required in creating the markbook are: collecting- colelcting research of what teachers require to be in their markbook. + Collecting the marks of students to be placed in the markbook. Organising - Organising the student marks into a presentable way that all teachers, students and parents may understand. Organising the marks to be arranged with the student name and the assessment task. Storing and retrieving - Storing the marks of each assessment task for each student and then later retrieving the marks to calculate the average of the student throughtout the year/semester and how the student went through the semester/year. Displaying - Displaying the marks in a form that will look presentable and will be able to be read by all. (students, teachers and parents)
TALK @ 9:25 AM
Monday, June 1, 2009 Work at home -Individual project (Context and Data Flow Diagram)
4. Produce a context and data flow diagram.
This is the context and data flow diagram that I Produced. It is a simple form of a context and data flow diagram. It is not that detailed but it still portrays all the aspects I think is required in a markbook.
These are the definitions of both a context and data flow diagram. These have been retrieved from the ipt-tools. pdf located on student net.
Context diagrams are used to represent an overview of the entire information systems. The system is shown as a single process along with the inputs and outputs. The external entities are connected to the single process by data flow arrows. Each element represented is labelled.
Data flow diagrams represent an information system as a number of processes that together form the single system. This single system can be represented more simply using a context diagram (see below). Data flow diagrams therefore show a further level of detail not seen in the context diagram. Data flow diagrams identify the source of data, its flow between processes and its destination along with data generated by the system.
The diagram : Click to maximise.
TALK @ 8:13 PM
Work at home -Individual project (Gantt Chart)
2. Produce a Gantt Chart of the project containing appropriate stages during the design and production. Include the chart in your blog.
I finished my Gantt chart today. I had a few complications in creating it and that is why it wasn't uploaded sooner. In the creation of my Gantt Chart I got all confused on why things were on my chart when it shouldn't be there. Eventually with some help from the internet and playing around with excel, I was able to successfully complete the Gantt chart.
These are the details i put in my Gantt Chart:
Start Date
Duration (Days)
End Date
and this is the chartClick to maximise.
TALK @ 7:11 PM
Lesson 4- Individual Project
In todays lesson I added buttons in the template page which say new class and back to home page. In the template page I added the back to home page button and I also added instructions. They are only basic simple worded instructions at the moment. They will be edited to include much more later.
This is what the instructions say: Welcome to Markbook Marjorie. To create a new class. Simply click the New class button which is placed on the home page and the template page. To view what the template looks like click the template button which is located on the home page.
In todays lesson i also added changes to the template. I added auto filter and made it fit for 20 students and 4 Assessment tasks. With these i added grades and total marks for each student and for the assessment tasks i added the average for each assessment.
Today, I also added a Blue-ish colour scheme to my markbook to make it more appealing to the users.